Introducing Card Packs

Card packs should be familiar to anybody that’s played CCGs, both physical and digital. Please note that all of these numbers are subject to change, and if they do change we will make official announcements ahead of time. Packs will be available for purchase for SOL, though the SOL price point will fluctuate to a… Continue reading Introducing Card Packs

Character Spotlight: Yhalam

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“So what did you do before all this?” asked Lokli, a warm smile on her round halfling face. She figured she had better get to know this guy. He was obviously really smart but she could never get a read on him and she didn’t like that. Maybe she could get him to open up… Continue reading Character Spotlight: Yhalam

Character Spotlight: Henna

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Henna grew up living in the Wooly Forest, a wild mountainous region just inland of the Eastern Isle Kingdoms. The forest was named by peasants living in cities along the shoreline due to sheep occasionally wandering out of the woods, a strange sight since sheep are not known to enjoy living in either forests or… Continue reading Character Spotlight: Henna

Who goes first?

For CCGs, first turn advantage has always been a thing. Game developers have used a variety of methods to help mitigate first turn advantage, extra cards in the starting hand for some, extra cards and a coin in the game of Hearthstone, yet statistics still show a clear advantage for the player who goes first… Continue reading Who goes first?

Character Spotlight: Gillian, the Last Crusader

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“We were trained for combat against people, not monsters… but that doesn’t matter now. I will save everyone…” The crusaders have been a potent military force for the better part of 300 years. They have acted as peacekeepers and as conquerors, spreading the Word of Light and stamping out teachings deemed to be wicked or… Continue reading Character Spotlight: Gillian, the Last Crusader

A Brief Overview of Formations

Formations will introduce a tactical nuance to the play of Diamond Hand Legends. It’s one of those easy-to-understand and simple concepts that adds more complexity to the play-by-play decision-making of the players. The idea is inspired by classic JRPGs that a lot of our players will no doubt be familiar with. We took the idea… Continue reading A Brief Overview of Formations

The Great Calamity

On a day like any other, as the sky turned to dusk across Capital Isle, many lives were lost. It began with the ground shaking harder than it’s ever shaken before. The shaking was so fierce that most of the buildings on Capital Isle crumbled outright. As desperate families of every humankin escaped their ruined… Continue reading The Great Calamity

Character Spotlight: Deedee

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Deedee is a mage who lived in the Eastern Isle Kingdom at the time of The Great Calamity. She is extremely talented and very conscientious about Diamond Madness due to losing a good friend to it in the past. The Diamond Hand Heroes would not have been able to replicate the Diamond Hand Gauntlets without… Continue reading Character Spotlight: Deedee