Character Spotlight: Yhalam

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“So what did you do before all this?” asked Lokli, a warm smile on her round halfling face. She figured she had better get to know this guy. He was obviously really smart but she could never get a read on him and she didn’t like that. Maybe she could get him to open up a bit.

“I was a shepherd,” said Yhalam. He towered above her, easily twice her height. The glow of the blue flame from the street lamp outside reflected off his bronzed skin and lit up his workstation. He had been working to replicate Lokli’s Diamond Gauntlet practically all day for the third day in a row, as had Gillian in the other room. Deedee had been assisting both of them, but she was with Gillian right now.

“Oh! That’s neat!” said Lokli. “You know, you do seem like you’d be good with animals!” She gave him her most genuine smile, a well-practiced expression. She was very much used to people smiling back. Yahalm did not smile back.

“And why do you say that?” asked Yhalam. His face and tone were as emotional as a rock in the road. She tilted her head, not sure if she had offended him.

“Well… because you’re calm… and because you’re careful… and you seem like a good person,” she said. “Animals can tell between good and bad people, you know!” If she couldn’t win him over with her smile, maybe she could flatter him.

“They cannot. That is a false rumor, and that is not why,” said Yhalam. He looked at her, not angry, not stern, not frustrated, just… looking… Their eyes met and Lokli felt herself holding her breath. Was she annoying him? Did he think she was trying to manipulate him? It felt like he was looking through her. Lokli’s face turned red and she gave a meek smile.

“I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?” She turned her green eyes toward the ground.

“Not wrong like you are thinking,” said Yhalam. “Only incorrect.” Yahalam put a finger to his temple and Lokli felt compelled to look up at him. She thought she heard him say something but his lips were not moving. She couldn’t make out the words but something about it calmed her. She knew he wasn’t upset with her. She knew this even though his face was blank. She felt warm.

“This is why,” he said and he tapped his temple. She trusted him, she realized, and this gave her a slight panic. She’s not the trusting type! Wait, no, she didn’t trust him at all! Yes, she did. She trusted him absolutely. What was he doing to her? She hated this! She hated him! There was something about him, something… in her gut… in her head? She felt close to him. He was a good friend! He was a good friend? She had only met him a few weeks ago! She wanted to… leave… stay… talk to him… run from him!

“Stop it…” she said, and her face went red again. “Whatever you’re doing, I don’t like it.” Her voice was almost a whisper. She could barely speak. She felt compelled to hug him, to confide in him, to tell him all her secrets. “Stop it!” she shouted, now scowling. Her eyes began to wet.

Yhalam smiled at her. “You have a strong will, little one,” he said. He turned his body towards her and took a knee to match her height. “And you have a strong heart, in spite of all your struggles.” Lokli couldn’t hold back her tears. He knew about her struggles? She hadn’t told him anything! Did he know what her intentions were when she originally joined the group? Did he know what she had originally planned to do? Did he know why she had run away from the orphanage when she was little? Did he know about all the people she’s had to betray in order to survive? She felt him peering into her. Her heartbeat slammed against the inside of her temples. “I mean you no harm and I do not judge you ill,” he said, and he opened his arms to her. Again she felt compelled to hug him.

“STOP IT!” she screamed, and she pushed him with all her strength. He fell back and bumped the table. The gauntlet he had been working on fell to the ground. There was a loud popping noise, a blue flash, and a moment later Lokli’s back hit the wall on the other side of the room. She felt herself slump to the floor. Her ears rang. She didn’t hear the door open. She didn’t hear the footsteps of her allies entering the room.

“Yhalam! Open your eyes! Look at me!” Lokli could hear Deedee’s voice but it sounded very far away. “He’s alive! Check on her!” said Deedee. Lokli opened her eyes. She saw Gillian dashing towards her.

“Are you hurt?” asked Gillian. He placed his hand on her forehead and ran his fingers through her curly red hair until he cupped the back of her head.  There was no affection, she realized. He was simply checking for injuries.

“I’m sorry,” said Lokli, and her body began shaking all over. She looked at Yhalam. He was covered in blood and Deedee was kneeling over him, something glowing in her hand. Yhalam’s dark brown eyes were open and he gazed at Lokli from across the room.  For the first time, she got a read on him. She could see the deep deep sorrow in his eyes. “I’m sorry!” she shouted at him, and she wept openly.

“No, I am sorry, little one.” This time she heard him, clear as day. His lips were not moving. She knew he was sincere.

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