Character Spotlight: Henna

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Henna grew up living in the Wooly Forest, a wild mountainous region just inland of the Eastern Isle Kingdoms. The forest was named by peasants living in cities along the shoreline due to sheep occasionally wandering out of the woods, a strange sight since sheep are not known to enjoy living in either forests or mountains. The Wooly Forest has a reputation of making travelers disappear when they try to go through it and so civilized folk have learned to travel around. The existence of traditional woodland elves living within the forest, nicknamed the Wooly Elves, were considered nothing more than rumor by most until about fifty years ago when an elvish girl confirmed the rumors as true by stepping out of the woods.

Henna had been curious about the cities and their people since she was very young. Her family bade her stay away, but she was far too curious. She spent many days of her youth watching and tracking travelers from the treeline, careful to never exit the woods, as tradition informs that “Leaving the forest means leaving the tribe, unwelcome to return.”

The “Wooly Elves” had no concept of birthdays, and so Henna, a young adolescent, hadn’t known that it was her seventieth birthday when she started tracking a small family of gnomes. Henna loved it when “little people” traveled along the forest’s edge! She thought them all adorable, especially when they sang. Such cheerful little people couldn’t be dangerous like her family had warned. Henna watched, smiling as she moved from tree to tree, yet her smile turned to horror when she spotted a pack of wolves exiting the forest and surrounding the family. Henna knew very well what saving these little people would mean. With a full and heavy heart, Henna whispered a final farewell to her family and emerged from the woods. She wasn’t going to let these little people be eaten!

Over the past fifty years, Henna has become fluent in a variety of humankin languages. Her adoptive family of little people have all aged past her or returned to the soil. It was after her youngest brother, the last of her adoptive family, had decided to move to a faraway land that Henna had met Deedee, a highborn city elf a little older than Henna.

Deedee had heard rumors of a young elven woman with diamond powder tattoos working as a caravan guard for travelers between coastal cities. She hadn’t seen or read about anything like those tattoos before and had wanted to document everything. Henna wasn’t about to reveal the details of such an intimate secret of her childhood tribe, but the two still became fast friends.

It was several months after meeting Deedee, having traveled to Capital Isle for a visit, that Henna found herself once again fighting to save a family of little people from wolves… only this time the wolves were made from fire!

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